Directors, Katrina Adams and David Bourke have a wealth of experience in Childcare systems spanning more than two decades. Both are committed to working to bring National Childcare Accreditation Council Quality Assurance standards to their services.
“In a world gone mad with rules and regulations, we help kids be kids”.
Time It’s a child’s only currency – help them spend it well
Trust We are given it, repay it with trustworthiness
Understanding Listening gives perspective to decision making
Equality At OOSH everyone matters most
Freedom Choice is essential. Provide the knowledge to choose well
Creativity Seek expressive and fun opportunities for us all
Integrity Be true to yourself and others; even when no-one is watching
At Community OOSH Services, we follow the “My time our place” (MTOPv2) framework which builds on the Early Years Learning Framework EYLF and extends the principles, practices and outcomes to accommodate the contexts and age range of children attending the program. Community OOSH Services builds on the current existing understandings around the critical factors for the development and promotion of resilience in children and young people:
Playing is a means of self-worth, a space of harmony, liberation and fulfillment of being, a possibility of becoming what you want to be, where creativity and spontaneity are above all. As well as providing care, Community OOSH Services gives your child opportunities to develop social, emotional and learning skills. The program can be summarised in four essential characteristics: