Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Due to the constantly changing directions of government communication in this difficult time we are also obligated to provide updated communication to our families.

We mentioned recently that there will be No Fees Charged for cancellations in Vacation Care, as it was our understanding that the Government was allowing us to wipe the Gap fee to parents through this period. We have now had this clarified that the removal of the Gap fee can only be applied if we are instructed to close and any bookings on the system over the closure period would be entitled to the removal of the Gap Fee.

We apologise for this misunderstanding and encourage families who have booked for Vacation Care already to check their bookings and cancel days they know they will not need. We have reverted to our original generous cancellation policy shown below.

After School Care     Up to 1:30pm the same day of booking for no charge

Before School Care  Up to 1:30pm the working day before your booking for no charge

Vacation Care            Up to 1:30pm the working day before your booking for no charge

At this time we would like to assure you, that we will be open for Vacation Care at all 5 centres for all people who require care.

 Please continue to book the days you require via our website for Vacation Care and also After School and Before School Care.

Thankyou for your continued support.





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