From 1 July 2023, families using child care must pay the gap fee using electronic means.

The gap fee is the difference between the provider’s fee and the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) amount. Find out more about gap fees and Child Care Subsidy.

Electronic funds transfer, or EFT, is when a customer pays a bill using electronic means. Typical EFT payment methods include:

  • bank or credit card, including mobile wallets
  • direct deposit or bank transfer, including PayID
  • online payment systems through third party software
  • BPAY or Centrepay.

This change will help the Government protect CCS against fraud and non-compliance. We will check EFT payments against provider and service bank statements and receipts. This way, we can prevent fraudulent CCS claims for care that did not take place. In turn, this ensures CCS flows fairly to families.


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